
Democrats Should Tell Manchin To Fuck Himself

Dec 19, 2021

Make Him Actually Vote Against His Constituents

Having been born with the inability to believe in anything, I’ve always been at a distinct advantage when dealing with life on planet Earth. You know, that thing that is not binary and connected be controlled? I don’t look at things and imagine what will never happen. I already know that time is made to be wasted.

Why Americans refuse to understand that we’ve been broken so long there is probably no way to fix us is one of the wonders of the universe. Even God says: “If I had meant for things to make sense, why did I create all these stupid Americans?

Manchin is a toxic gob in an adult diaper whining and needing to be changed.

Change him.

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The Portland Pataphysical Outpatient Clinic, Lounge & Laundromat was founded by Lawrence Nada in a single-wide mobile tarpaper shanty on Mt. Gilead Rd, Pittsboro, NC in 1976, using Alfred Jarry's original recipe.

Committed to imaginary excellence, PPOCLL staff & patients offer #UncommonSense & demand side alternatives to #TheReaganLegacy's #SupplySide #PlantationEconomy & #CommunityPoliceState  which has left the USA so noxious that whales continue to beach themselves on our shores in protest.


Portland Pataphysical Outpatient Clinic, Lounge & Laundromat

Idiotville Tour Guides

P.O. Box 398

Banks, OR 97106-0398