All The Gnus That Give Two Shits
Antifa Claims Responsibility For Delta Variant
“We Warned You Fuckers. War Is War!” Says Sean Milton
Fresh off its highly successfully compaign to encourage America’s neo-Nazis and Confederate War holdouts not to get vaccinated, Antifa carried out a series of highly offensive actions against QAnon targets overnite, including the TPing of Mr. & Mrs. Q’s personal residence at Rancho Del Lago & launching banana cream pies at TV screens in airports across the country.
People claiming to be Queen Antifa bombarded talk radio shows overnight to complain about the UFO invasion cover-up, & self-proclaimed spokesavatar for the group, Sean Milton, stumbled into one Oregon Sheriff’s department or another, gave the Vulcan salute and said: “We’re looking for Idiotville. I hear it’s near Prosper, down the river from Livelong.”
Milton wore only a tee-shirt and sheer Banlon black calf-length stockings. His tee-shirt read: “War, then, open or understood, must be resolvéd,” when he was shot by deputy Downey Dogg for reasons protected by a non-disclosure agreement.