
All The Gnus That Give Two Shits

NASA To Stream Porn To Lure Wealthy White Space Invaders


GOP Slams Plan, Vows To Use Space Force To Shoot Down Rockets

Calling NASA’s announcement that it had partnered with Pornhub to send naked pictures of people out into the cosmos to lure horny extraterrestrials to Earth to get down with their bad selves, former twice-impeached unindicted co-conspirator Grabitto Pussolini called on the GOP to “stop this disaster before we are forced to build a great big beautiful wall at the border of our solar system to keep the aliens from bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists. Some, I assume, are good aliens, but I don’t trust NASA, which is why we built the great Space Force to protect us, not lure more of these aliens to come here.”