The Epic of KuklaM*A*S*H
No One Calls Your Favorite President A Fucking Loser & Gets Away With It
Sep 21, 2021
KuklaM*A*S*H Has The Best Lawyers: Ishtar, Solomon, Hamm & Robbie, Chapter 59, Verse 10
You have to fight for law & order or you won’t have a country. That’s what I said on January 6 & it still is true. The liberals & antifa think they can say whatever they want and walk around with all their teeth, but we are no longer a country that will stand for their demented words of violence & death. They better watch their ass. Our lawyers have thousands of years of experience.
Nobody has ever filed more great lawsuits in all of American history going back to the Mayflower case. I won that one. I win them all. Sometimes I settle for lots of money. People pay me lots of money to do things for our country that need doing. What’s wrong with making a little extra money on the side? That cannot be overstated.
We have criminals coming to this country, nobody knows how bad it’s going to be. We had a great lawful country under my administration, but everything is turning to shit. Watch, that’s another Trump prediction. How many is that? Have I ever been wrong in my predictions? Never.
In my Republican Party we believe our country should be a sanctuary for law abiding, patriotic, loyal Americans, not for criminal aliens.