The Epic of KuklaM*A*S*H
Solomon Was No Soleimani
Sep 9, 2021
Hey, Baby, You’re Stoking My Schlong, Chapter 44, Verse 37
They should have talked to him and said, “Look, sir, Commander in Chief, sir, all you have to do is go to the beach. What’s so hard about going to the beach? Don’t make another mistake like you did with our great wall,” but you just couldn’t have done that. If he had that evacuate… that void, but they say it’s against the law, void where prohibited, which is why the homeless… so we couldn’t do all the great things we needed to.
If he just moved the people out, he should have done it and he should have done it first before he did the other things that he shouldn’t have done. He had to have done it first, not second, not third.
Sometimes in life decisions are made to be made and when those decisions are made, if they’re bad decisions, you need to find who made them and you’ve got to get away from them and you’ve got to get away from them fast. Nobody makes more bad decisions than the Democrats, and Sleepy Joe is just another bad Democrat who was in on the steal.
And if you don’t get away from them, you’ll get those bad decisions all over you, and you’re not going to have a country anymore. That’s what I was telling everyone back in January. I said about elections, if we don’t have great elections, if we don’t have borders, if we don’t have the things that are being taken away from us, we’re not going to have a country anymore. And certainly, we’re not going to have a respected country anymore.
And now look at this fine mess he’s gotten us into.