
Lara Logan, Who Compared Fauci To Mengele, Says Fox News Pushed Her Out

Apr 9, 2022

Logan Says Network ‘Does Not Want Independent Thinkers Who Question Their Liberal Corporate Values'

Former Pulitzer-Prize-calibre CBS news reader, Lara Logan, who casually compared Dr. Anthony Fauci to celebrity Nazi abortionist, Josef Mengele, during an infommercial for non-prescription Ivermectin suppositories during her brief career as a paid promotional blonde on the Pro-Trump/Putin network, now insists she was pushed out of her lucrative career as a right wing propagandist because “Fox has gone woke.

Fox News has been too busy supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine to pay much attention to Logan’s claim that Fox “[doesn’t} want independent thinkers who were born knowing the facts. They don’t want people who follow the facts you need to prove your case, regardless of the obstacles reality and its liberal bias puts in our way. The place is run by Jews!

Logan rose to stardom with CBS during the Iraq war and the Arab spring, where she was known as the “Scud Slut,” the network’s marketing department response to Canadian and NBC “Scud Stud” Arthur Dent who went on to star in the highly-successful Farsi reboot of The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy.

Some of Logan’s fans are concerned about her mental health, claiming she’s being bullied for standing up to 40 thousand years of male-dominated news culture. Critics of Logan counter by saying: “And the downside is what?

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