
All The Gnus That Give Two Shits

Q-Anon Offers Followers Chance To Win August Inauguration Tickets


Proof Of COVID19 Non-Vaccination Required

As many states & municipalities have resorted to lotteries & other incentives to encourage people to get vaccinated, supporters of former #AmericaFirst führer Cornholed J. Turdwaffle have doubled down on their claims that the 2020 elections was stolen from the people by Dr. Tony “Two Thumbs” Fauci, antifa, & Tik Tok Teens who created the Kung Flu hoax to encourage foreign infectious agents to vote by mail.

“We have to do something to counteract their dangerous misinformation,” said Turdwaffle spokesperson Lionel Lanolin, in a Zoom call during a break from looking for hanging chads in Arizona. “We need our great patriots to stay strong & resist getting the government microchip, & we’re hoping that the promise of free tickets to the August 16th inauguration following the reinstatement of our favorite president might just be the thing that pushes our effort over the edge.