Fuck Senator Joe Manchin (Wannabe R-Word, Wet Vagina)
It’s time to fire the dumb fuck supply-side plantation owner and planetary climate saboteur from Wet Vagina, a state with fewer than 2 million uneducated residents, who keeps acting like former twice-impeached unindicted co-conspirator, single most effective super-spreader of COVID-19, slathered in typical Repugnicunt horse shit.
In his last election, Manchin didn’t even receive half of the total vote, meaning that our nation of miserable fucks is currently being held hostage by a fascist corporatist who apparently believes that if he doesn’t get his way, every last fucking human on the planet might as well die from the consquences of his apparently untouchable psychopathic policy decisions.
For those who have a hard time doing the math, we the people of this nation of miserable fucks are allowing a petty criminal from a coal-producing state to dictate domestic policy, based on the results of an election where he received 290,510 total votes, or approximately .087% of the US population.
This is all in keeping with the goals of the Founding Fathers who wished and gladhanded and often retaliated so that one day this so-called great republic would willingly embrace minority rule as the will of the people. If all goes according to plan, uppity voters could face felonies if they vote for the wrong candidate.
To give you an idea of how stupid the average Wet Vaginan must be, Choke ‘Em Joe explained his campaign strategy to a YU News stringer more than a year before the 2018 elections. “I just don’t give a shit,” Toxic MacManchin said, “Don’t care if I gete elected, don’t care if I geet defeated, how about that?”and he still won by a margin of 49.57-46.26.
Manchin called it a landslide.
The planet feels pretty much the same, except a little more negatively.